ESG Impact Review

ESG Impact Review

Environment, Social and Governance impact

Independent and absolute ESG impact scores on all companies globally

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Insights for your portfolio through a systematic approach

Understand the main drivers of corporate ESG impacts ranging from climate change to child labour to corruption across your portfolios. We provide a transparent overview to help you achieve a baseline for comparison of different corporates and industries. The insights provided are supportive of SFDR regulations.

For asset managers

For asset

For asset owners

For insurance
& pension funds

Insights for your portfolio through a systematic approach | Scope One

Discover the impact of sustainability

Scope’s ESG Impact Review offers a unique perspective on sustainability, as it reflects the intensity of a company’s global impact on ESG through its own activities and that of its supply chain.

Total portfolio coverage via our global database for public companies as well as a scoring tool for private companies.

The ESG impact review uses a macro-economic model, is independent from corporate self-disclosure, assesses the supply chain and shows the monetary value of impacts.

Our absolute ESG impact scores allow for peer comparability across industries, economic activities and regions.

Provides consistent measures of principal adverse impacts among corporates, whereby you can report and monitor negative impacts at the asset or portfolio level as required by SFDR regulations.

Discover the impact of sustainability | Scope One

*This is applicable to all corporates, including non-listed companies and SMEs.

Scoring Tool

Our Scoring Tool lets you expand the range of your ESG analysis to include private companies in your portfolio by using the methodology of our ESG Impact Review. The Scoring Tool can be applied to any financial or non-financial company for which you have the relevant input data: the geographic location of the company's activities and a breakdown of its revenues by sector.

Scoring Tool - ESG analysis | Scope One


Calculate impact scores and footprint holistically


Highlights of our analyses

Highlights of our analyses | Scope One

Our unique approach

Robust data sources

Robust data sources

Unlike the common approach of feeding analysis from self-disclosed corporate data, which is non-standardised, Scope ESG Review is based on reliable macro-economic data provided by international institutions such as World Bank, OECD, ILO, UNICEF and more.

Supply chain impact

Supply chain impact

Unlike other methodologies ours also considers the externalities of the supply chain when ascertaining the sustainability measures of a company. Our measurements take into account the company and all its suppliers up to the extraction of the raw materials needed for production.

Monetised measurement

Monetised measurement

While scores are often created based on ranking, we have introduced a score measure to assess sustainability representing a cost of externalities per euro of revenue generated by the corporate, e.g.: Volkswagen and the supply chain have a cost of 15 cents per euro of revenue generated.



Scope enables its users to access academic references and the data used in the methodology. Each step is described transparently and without any grey areas. All data is exportable so you can visualize the ESG impacts and keep 3rd parties informed about your portfolio.

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