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Fund Explorer for Investors

As an investor, having the right information at the right time is crucial. Fund Explorer gives you instant access to an extensive range of investment funds and strategies across all asset classes. At the same time, Fund Explorer provides you with advanced analytical tools to conduct high-quality investment selection and to support your portfolio monitoring.

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Comprehensive insights and proprietary ratings for better investment decision-making

Scope’s Fund Explorer is the one-stop-shop for investment analysis with proprietary rating and rankings. Get all the data and insights you need to make better investment decisions.

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Advanced analytical data and tools at your fingertips

Fund Explorer has a wide and unique range of tools to discover, analyse, compare and rank the investment funds that you are interested in, all in just a few clicks.

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Research and exclusive webinars with portfolio managers

Get the full picture from our insightful research and commentary, and tune into our regular webinars where Scope analysts interview top-ranked investment professionals.

*(Comment: Any decision-maker/Investor who deals with mutual funds will benefit from the access to tools and information, which will ultimately help him to make quicker and more informed decisions. Especially organizations that do not have an external provider yet will benefit the most from this product because it will enable them to have a more structured approach to making investment decisions. It will serve the selector as a one-stop-solution. Target Investors: Fund Buyer, Banks (Cooperative & Savings), Private Banking, Wealth management units, Unit-linked Insurances, Family Offices, Independent Financial Advisors)


Fund Explorer Review

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Proprietary ratings, rankings and research

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Excel export functionality to facilitate investment-data analysis

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Access to the SCOPE peer group universe

Scope Fund Ratings

Scope Fund Ratings

Scope’s fund ratings are independent with a long-established 20-year records of investment analysis, offering reliable and consistent guidance on identifying the best-performing investment funds. For further information and background calculation please visit our methodology.

ESG impact review

Portfolio tool

Create and track several portfolios and receive alerts for rating notifications.

ESG impact review

Advanced analytical tools and search filters

Comprehensive reporting, ratings and peer data including ESG impact scores

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Alternative Investment Explorer

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ESG impact review

ESG Impact Review

We provide ca. 20,000 global companies scores on the corporate sustainability. By applying a robust methodology we consider the entire upstream supply chain process for environmental, social and governance impacts.

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ESG sentiment review

Fund Rating Feed

Our Fund Rating Feed is a comprehensive database of mutual funds and AIFs, analysed and rated by our team of expert analysts. We evaluate each fund based on its performance, risk, expense ratio, and other key factors, providing you with a clear and concise rating that will help you make more informed investment decisions.

Coming soon!